Abdulkarim Adamu is a talented graphic designer

Abdulkarim Adamu is a talented graphic designer, where his boundless curiosity and innovative mindset drive his creative endeavors at Realtorkingz. Inspired by the work of Chris Do, Abdulkarim blends artistic vision with strategic thinking, infusing each project with a unique perspective.

What piece of artistic work has inspired your work or impacted your creative journey?


What’s your go-to snack or drink while working on a creative project, and does it help fuel your creativity?

No drinks, only water and peanuts.

Who is your role model in the Creative space?

That would be Chris Do.

Would you like to buy your own house or build yourself?

Would prefer to Build!

What’s a hobby you’re passionate about outside of work?

Games (video games, Board games etc.)

What’s a book or movie you can watch over and over again?

-Book: I Heard you paint houses  

-Movie: Prison Break